
Moore, Monica
Johnson, Daniel
Papson, Alex
Vecchio, Julie


(574) 631-2987


SCWG Charge
The purpose of the SCWG Scholarly Communication Working Group is to support the selection, development, advancement, and assessment of one to three projects each year that support the creation, dissemination, evaluation, and preservation of Notre Dame scholarship. The group aims to consider new services to support researcher workflows, consolidate and refine existing services to better support researchers, and raise awareness of issues, tools, and services related to scholarly communication.

Team Leader Monica Moore
Cabinet Sponsor

Decision-making scope
The group will have the ability to make recommendations to the appropriate programs, based on the projects chosen for that year. In addition, the team will prioritize a list of potential projects and consult with the relevant stakeholders before final decisions are made.

Time Frame
Standing team, slated to form in the fall of 2020, with project work beginning in January 2021.

Core Team
Monica Moore, team leader
Dan Johnson (English/FTT/digital humanities)
Julie Vecchio (assistant director of NFCDS)
Additional team members, including campus partners, may be asked to join the core team.


Alex Papson (as Metadata Services representative)

Potential Project Ideas
The SCWG would be charged with creating, maintaining, and continuing to develop a list of potential projects related to scholarly communication initiatives. Existing project ideas that could “seed” this list are included below. A survey could be created and administered by the SCWG to gather more ideas from library faculty and staff, and teaching and research faculty.

ORCID promotion & adoption/Scholarly identity management
Authors rights outreach & education
OA fund development needs/OA discounts from publishers/transformative agreements
Exploration of viable options for automated population of repository via various tools: Scopus,, MDPI’s Susy, etc.
Development of subject-based repository deposit workflows (mediated)
Development of institute-based repository deposit workflows (mediated)
Data management planning and support among the disciplines/departments
Research workflow tools, awareness & education (OSF, Humanities Commons, Refworks, Mendeley, etc.); or, the “Scholarly Communication Petting Zoo,”?
Impact metrics, education & outreach
Author profiling systems/Scholarly Communication Networks, awareness, education, utility of them
Establishment of key scholarly communication competencies for librarians with subject specialities or liaison roles. (This would naturally include training or support for continuing development of these competencies.)

Known Limitations/Caveats
Any proposed enhancements or development requests for CurateND, including workflow changes, will be reviewed by the Product Owners before any recommendations are made by the SCWG