Employee Directory
David T. Gura
Curator, Ancient and Medieval Manuscripts

Subject Areas
University Committees
- Ph.D., Greek and Latin, The Ohio State University
- M.A., Greek and Latin, The Ohio State University
- B.A., Greek and Latin with distinction in Classics, The Ohio State University
Current Research Interests
- Commentaries of Arnulf of Orléans
- Medieval Reception of Ovid's Metamorphoses
Works In Progress
- A critical edition of Arnulf of Orléans's grammatical and allegorical commentary to Ovid's Metamorphoses.
- Descriptive Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts of the University of Notre Dame.
Edited Volumes
- co-editor with Harald Anderson, Between the Text and the Page: Studies on the Transmission of Medieval Ideas in Honour of Frank T. Coulson. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2020.
- A Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts of the University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary's College. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016. xxxiv + 716 pp. + 8 color plates.
Articles & Book Chapters
- “New Manuscript Evidence for Adenet le Roi’s Berte as grans piés,” Medium Aevum, 89.1 (2020): 50-77.
- “A Prose Summary of Ovid’s Metamorphoses from Fourteenth-Century Italy: Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ross. 228,” in Between the Text and the Page: Studies on the Transmission of Medieval Ideas in Honour of Frank T. Coulson, eds. H. Anderson – D. T. Gura, 165-207. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2020.
- "A Ninth-Century Fragment of Basil of Caesarea's De Spiritu sancto and a Lost Majuscule Codex," Byzantion 89 (2019): 243-274.
- "The Ovidian Allegorical Schoolbook: Arnulf of Orléans and John of Garland Take Over a Thirteenth-Century Manuscript," Pecia 20 (2017): 7-43.
- K.V. Manukyan, B.J. Guerin, E.J. Stech, A. Aprahamian, M. Wiescher, D.T. Gura, Z.D. Schultz, “Multiscale X-ray Fluorescence Mapping Complemented by Raman Spectroscopy for Pigment Analysis of a 15th-century Breton Manuscript,” Analytical Methods 8 (2016): 7696-7701.
- “Living with Ovid: The Founding of Arnulf of Orléans' Thebes,” in Manuscripts of the Latin Classics 800-1200, ed. Erik Kwakkel. 131-166. Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2015.
- “A Hitherto Unknown Book of Hours from the Amiénois: Notre Dame,Saint Mary’s College, Cushwa-Leighton Library, MS 3: or the Le Féron-Grisel Hours,” Manuscripta 56 (2012): 227-268.
- “From the Orléanais to Pistoia: the Survival of the Catena Commentary,” Manuscripta 54 (2010): 171-188.
Exhibitions & Installations
- Hellenistic Currents: Reading Greece, Byzantium, and the Renaissance, Hesburgh Library, University of Notre Dame (August-December, 2019)
- Vestigia Vaticana, Hesburgh Library, University of Notre Dame (May-August, 2016) http://collections.library.nd.edu/2fb06059c8/vestigia-vaticana
- Hour by Hour: Reconstructing a Medieval Breton Prayerbook. Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame (January 18–March 16, 2015). Review with video: http://www.medievalists.net/2015/04/08/a-broken-book-of-hours-saving-a-medieval-manuscript/. Digital companion: http://publications.snitemuseum.org/hrhr/
- Sacred Music at Notre Dame: the Voice of the Text. Hesburgh Library, University of Notre Dame (February 2–August 3, 2015). Review: http://news.nd.edu/assets/165084/ndworksjune2015.pdf
- Hour by Hour: Reconstructing a Medieval Breton Prayerbook. Hesburgh Library, University of Notre Dame (January 10–August 19, 2013). Review: http://www3.nd.edu/~ndworks/2013/20130725Vol%2011No%201.pdf
Upcoming Courses
- Medieval Latin (Summer 2020)
- Greek Paleography (Fall 2020)