271AG Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556
o: (574) 631-7696
Eric Dahl Portrait


Eric is an accomplished software engineer having worked at companies such as Salesforce, Groupon, Envoy and Provi. He has experience in several technologies widely used in web application development such as Vue.js, React.js, Ruby on Rails and Python. Much of his work has focused on improving the customer experience and leveraging technology in order to advance productivity and efficiency. Those skills will contribute to assuring that the library's web based services are user centered, reliable and well designed. Eric also has extensive experience integrating back end services resulting in the optimized flow of information between applications in order to create a superior user experience. All of these skills will help to advance the library's efforts over the coming years to cater to the university's teaching, learning, and research priorities in the digital realm. Eric also has worked in the music industry and has some very interesting stories to tell related to that experience, particularly his brief professional contact with various celebrities.